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#iDR24 - An international conference to move drug repurposing forward

Childhood solid tumours: first results of paediatric Metro-PD1-study

World Cancer Day - unveiling the impact of My Cancer Navigator, a beacon for cancer patients

Rare cancer drug development boosted by international research alliance

podcast en français sur My Cancer Navigator

My Cancer Navigator featured in a podcast by Delphine Rémy

Brand-new patient-focussed website coming up in 2018

In December 2017, ACF reworked its website aimed at medical professionals and stakeholders. The updated site focusses on our mission, tools and project portfolio. For reasons of clarity, general information for patients (such as patient guides, educational articles on cancer treatments, new findings in cancer research, in the news, etc.) has been extracted from ACF’s reworked website. Instead, we will launch an additional website that is dedicated to patients only. This patient website will be a stand-alone with accessible content for patients, family members and community members. This website is scheduled for launch in early 2018. We hope you find all the information you need on the new site, and we welcome any feedback that you might have!