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#iDR24 - An international conference to move drug repurposing forward

Childhood solid tumours: first results of paediatric Metro-PD1-study

World Cancer Day - unveiling the impact of My Cancer Navigator, a beacon for cancer patients

Rare cancer drug development boosted by international research alliance

podcast en français sur My Cancer Navigator

My Cancer Navigator featured in a podcast by Delphine Rémy

Evaluation of the quality of the management of cancer of the corpus uteri--selection of relevant quality indicators and implementation in Belgium.

Werbrouck, J., Bouche, G., de Jonge, E., Jacomen, G., D'Hondt, V., Denys, H., Van Limbergen, E., Vandermeersch, B., De Schutter, H., Van Eycken, E., Goffin, F., & Amant, F. (2013). Evaluation of the quality of the management of cancer of the corpus uteri--selection of relevant quality indicators and implementation in Belgium. Gynecologic Oncology, 131(3):512-9. doi:10.1016/j.ygyno.2013.10.001