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Nicotinamide combined with gemcitabine is an immunomodulatory therapy that restrains pancreatic cancer in mice

Benson Chellakkan Selvanesan, Kiran Meena, Amanda Beck, Lydie Meheus, Olaya Lara, Ilse Rooman, Claudia Gravekamp. Nicotinamide combined with gemcitabine is an immunomodulatory therapy that restrains pancreatic cancer in mice. Journal for Immunotherapy for Cancer, 2020;8:e001250, doi:10.1136/jitc-2020-001250

ReDIReCT - Repurposing of Drugs: Innovative Revision of Cancer Treatment

ReDIReCT - Repurposing of Drugs: Innovative Revision of Cancer Treatment, Ciska Verbaanderd, PhD

PropAngio study protocol: a neoadjuvant trial on the efficacy of propranolol monotherapy in cutaneous angiosarcoma—a proof of principle study

Heinhuis KM, IJzerman NS, Koenen AM, et al.

Comprehensive book on drug repurposing and cancer therapy

Pancreatic resection with perioperative drug repurposing of propranolol and etodolac: trial protocol of the phase-II randomised placebo controlled PROSPER trial

Felix J Hüttner, Ilse Rooman, Gauthier Bouche, Phillip Knebel, Johannes Hüsing, André L Mihaljevic, Thilo Hackert, Oliver Strobel, Markus W Büchler, Markus K Diener. Pancreatic resection with perioperative drug repurposing of propranolol and etodolac: trial protocol of the phase-II randomised placebo controlled PROSPER trial. BMJ Journals, 2020 Sep 30;10(9):e040406, doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2020-040406.

Predicting combinations of immunomodulators to enhance dendritic cell-based vaccination based on a hybrid experimental and computational platform

Rita Ahmed, Isaac Crespo, Sandra Tuyaerts, Amel Bekkar, Michele Graciotti, Ioannis Xenarios, Lana E. Kandalaft (2020). Predicting combinations of immunomodulators to enhance dendritic cell-based vaccination based on a hybrid experimental and computational platform. Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal 18 (2020) 2217–2227,