Informed and Shared Decision-Making are cornerstones of patient-centred healthcare

Informed and Shared Decision-Making are cornerstones of patient-centred healthcare

We kindly invite you to register for a virtual meeting between cancer patients, caregivers and healthcare professionals, about patient information and shared decision-making. We are organising this webinar together with the European Cancer Organisation. Because we care about patients.

Please watch the recording of the webinar here.

Health literacy, patient empowerment, shared decision-making and patient involvement are no buzzwords, but major cornerstones of a successful, efficient and effective patient-centred healthcare. All patients have the right to receive accurate information about their cancer, their different treatment options and the potential side effects.

The Anticancer Fund has been involved in the cancer literacy-topic within the Inequalities Network of the European Cancer Organisation. Both organisations worked on a paper recently published in the Journal of Cancer Policy: Cancer literacy - Informing patients and implementing shared decision making. The article highlights the importance of health literacy to empower patients in their journey through treatment and gives several recommendations for improving cancer literacy in Europe.

Building on this paper we are now proud to announce a webinar, co-hosted by Anticancer Fund and the European Cancer Organisation, between cancer patients, caregivers, healthcare professionals and policymakers. We will ask their perspective on 'Well-informed and shared decision-making in oncology - why is it important and how can we make it happen?' We are convinced that the event will illustrate to key policy- and decision-makers, the value and benefit of reliable information when it comes to taking real steps in bettering cancer care.

The webinar will be co-chaired by Kathy Oliver, Chair and founding Co-Director of the International Brain Tumour Alliance (IBTA) - Co-Chair, E.C.O. Patient Advisory Committee, and Guy Buyens, Medical Director, Anticancer Fund - Contributor to E.C.O.'s Community 365.

Date: 18 January 2023 - Time: 16:00 - 18:00 CET

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More information about our service for cancer patients, My Cancer Navigator