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Guide on non-conventional treatment options in breast cancer

ReDO: propranolol as an anti-cancer agent

Pantziarka, P., Bouche, G., Sukhatme, V., Meheus, L., Rooman, I., & Sukhatme, V. P. (2016). Repurposing Drugs in Oncology (ReDO)-Propranolol as an anti-cancer agent. Ecancermedicalscience, 10, 680. doi:10.3332/ecancer.2016.680

ReDO: diclofenac as an anti-cancer agent

Pantziarka, P., Sukhatme, V., Bouche, G., Meheus, L., & Sukhatme, V. P. (2016). Repurposing Drugs in Oncology (ReDO)-diclofenac as an anti-cancer agent. Ecancermedicalscience, 10, 610. doi:10.3332/ecancer.2016.610

Evaluation of the quality of the management of cancer of the corpus uteri--selection of relevant quality indicators and implementation in Belgium.

Werbrouck, J., Bouche, G., de Jonge, E., Jacomen, G., D'Hondt, V., Denys, H., Van Limbergen, E., Vandermeersch, B., De Schutter, H., Van Eycken, E., Goffin, F., & Amant, F. (2013). Evaluation of the quality of the management of cancer of the corpus uteri--selection of relevant quality indicators and implementation in Belgium. Gynecologic Oncology, 131(3):512-9. doi:10.1016/j.ygyno.2013.10.001