Changemakers on a mission (NL)

Feiten versus fabels

Bij het Antikankerfonds vragen steeds meer patiënten naar ivermectine en fenbendazol. Ze willen weten of deze geneesmiddelen hun kanker kunnen bestrijden.

Misinformatie over niet-kankermedicijnen voor de behandeling van kanker verspreidt zich snel, dus wees waakzaam als patiënt.

It's important to be cautious about repurposed drugs, like ivermectin and fenbendazole.

De focus van het Antikankerfonds

U wilt ons steunen?

U wilt een verschil maken in het leven van patiënten met kanker?

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Ons meest recente nieuws

Brain tumour in children - U-R-Immune Glioma trial by Anticancer Fund

New clinical trial targets aggressive brain tumours in children and young adults

We started a global trial, U-R-Immune Glioma, investigating whether Immune therapy can offer an alternative treatment for children and young adults with brain tumours. In collaboration with SickKids and CHEO in Canada.

Anticancer Fund and De Tijd expose shady cancer treatments in the media

Private cancer clinics under fire: Anticancer Fund and De Tijd expose shady treatments

We have uncovered alarming practices in private cancer clinics, where cancer patients are being charged tens of thousands of euros for unproven cancer treatments. We raised concerns about these dangerous practices to investigator journalists, to help protect cancer patients and and fight misinformation.

National Lottery players support My Cancer Navigator

National Lottery players support My Cancer Navigator, helping cancer patients get personalised information

The Anticancer Fund now receives support from the National Lottery for My Cancer Navigator, our free information service. This partnership will allow us to help more cancer patients.

This survey highlights the impact of My Cancer Navigator

Survey: My Cancer Navigator boosts patient confidence and knowledge

Happy to share the key findings from a survey we have done in partnership with KU Leuven and Optigage, highlighting the powerful impact of My Cancer Navigator, our personalized service designed to support cancer patients.

Leer bij met onze blogs

Colorectal cancer at young age - blog by the Anticancer Fund
Science highlights

Colorectal cancer at young age: a rising concern or media hype?

It's important to be cautious about repurposed drugs, like ivermectin and fenbendazole.
Patient question

Separating fact from fiction: repurposed drugs in cancer treatment

Patient question

How to choose the best hospital for your cancer treatment? A helpful guide.


Silent but deadly: pancreatic cancer